
Movies like the vatican tapes
Movies like the vatican tapes

movies like the vatican tapes movies like the vatican tapes

Though the film is carried by credible actors, the performances are dry and phoned in, there is no real connection to any of the characters.

movies like the vatican tapes

The "tape" aspect of the film could have been really interesting and disturbing, yet it isn't really even discussed what the Vatican does in such situations or how it has been handled in the past. The only real mention of the Vatican or video taped evidence of exorcisms is at the beginning and the conclusion of the film - as a bit of a stiffly diaglogued cap. Fortunately, or maybe unfortunately in this case, the film is not found footage. The Vatican Tapes is a bit of a misnomer - the film follows the subject of a tape sent to the Vatican to be investigated as a possesesion case. Again at the advice of Father Lozano, an exorcist is brought in to perform the ritual - though it does not go as well as planned for those involved. While at the institution, Angela instigate enough terror to be kicked out and sent home. Heeding the advice of the priest and veteran, Father Lozano (Michael Pena) who hangs out at the hospital just waiting around to give people their last rites, Angela is sent to an institution to be observed and cured. Upon clinging to life, even after having the plug pulled on her, Angela becomes increasingly bizarre and violent. After throwing her a surprise birthday party, Angela, her boyfriend (John Patrick Amedori) and her father (Dougray Scott) are all involved in a carwreck that puts her into a coma. The Vatican Tapes revolves around Angela, (Olivia Taylor Dudley) as she coindidentally becomes possessed after she writes an article about the possibility of whether Satan and The AntiChrist could be one in the same. Unfortunately, The Vatican Tapes is not a film that can be included in that category. Even films that tend to regurgutate tropes and plots, if done well, can still be entertaining. Religion in general has been used to terrorize the masses since some of the very first horror films And as we all know, exorcism films are a dime a dozen.

Movies like the vatican tapes